
For the wordle prompt: Wordle #80 “September 28, 2015”

Wordle word list:
1. Infection
2. Pastel
3. Cranberry
4. Bony
5. Atavistic (of, relating to, or characterized by atavism; reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type.)
6. Figure
7. Exhale
8. Copse (a thicket of small trees or bushes; a small wood.)
9. Nebulous (hazy, vague, indistinct)
10. Menace
11. Door
12. Ichor (the fluid which flows like blood in the veins of the gods)

This one got very compact but I felt like it said what I wanted to say.

a nebulous spread of infection
growing with each exhaling breath
seeping through the cracks of doors

leaving menacing cranberry-red stains
bony corpses in pastel clothing
frightened figures hiding in the copse

only a few remain standing
saved by an atavistic saviour
ichor running through their veins

3 thoughts on “infection

Constructive criticism greatly appreciated